Mid-autumn break
Thank you Britney, for scheduling your C-section before I go on vacation! Now I don't have to lie awake on the plane wondering if you have given birth while I'm halfway across the South China Sea. And thank you for delaying your birth so that Heidi Klum could have one day in the headlines too!
Now, guess where I'll be going for a week. Here's a little hint.
Yes, that's right I'll be navigating the east coast of Australia, more specifically Melbourne, with the briefest of stopovers in Sydney. What can I say, I am just slavishly following the masses like a lemming with disposable income.
Much has been made of the rivalry between Sydney (it's like Paris Hilton! Crazy blood vial wearing Angelina Jolie! Skimpy sequinned denim shorts with a hint of buttock!) and Melbourne (it's like Nicky Hilton! Classy earth mother UN goodwill ambassador Angelina Jolie! An elegant just below the knee pencil skirt!) but I'm not going to entertain any of this nonsense. As far as I'm concerned, they both have their merits.
By popular demand (ie 1 request) I have added links to past "Fashion Roadkill of the Day" posts in the sidebar so that you can have a leisurely browse during my absence. Abandon hope all ye who click there.